Feature requests
Submit Ideaapp management pannel
Is it possible to manage multiple app simultaneously. such as remove or stop and so on some app don't remove even removed
alakiuser222#Improvement #Feature request1
Signup using GitHub
As a user, I would like to have the ability to signup and login using my GitHub account
Hemen Showkati#Integrations2
Push code to my GitHub account from Doprax Online Editor
I want to be able to push my changes to my GitHub account when I am editing my code on Doprax online editor
Hemen Showkati#Feature request#Integrations0
Request for Cheaper VPS Server Options
Is it possible to provide cheaper servers than Hetzner's data center with 1 or 2 GB of RAM? Or cheaper OVH servers with 1 GB of RAM?
saman_aryan#Improvement #Feature request#Deal Breaker4
generating private/public keys for VMs in the UI panel
generating v2ray TLS configs need a private key and public key path
Add select domains options
Every time we create App, Doprax chose random domain for app in deploy setting. If you create options for us to change domain or select domains for apps, that helping us to choose any domain for running better apps.
Diako#Improvement #Feature request2
Add required data volumes to services automatically
For example, when I add a MySQL service to my app, in most cases I also need to create the data volume for it and mount it on the correct path.
Hemen S#Improvement0
Test Bug
Test content of 'bug test'
Automatic backup of some of my volumes
I want to be able to automatically back up some of my volumes. For example a some of my database data volumes need to be backed up on a daily basis. For now, I have to open the file browser and download a backup manually but it will be great to have an automatic backup file at a specific time and stored on the cloud.
Hemen S#Improvement0
hello i did payment but my balance didn't get it why?
بخش ساپورت را پیدا نمیکنم. نه تیکت هست نه چت انلاین. ایراد خیلی بزرگی هست
نحوه استفاده از مبلغ جمع شده در قسمت معرفی
سلام و خسته نباشید میخواستم ببینم چطور میتونم مبالغ جمع شده توی قسمت معرفی به دوستان رو استفاده کنم و به حساب اصلیم منتقل کنم، ممنون میشم راهنمایی بفرمایید
سلام میخواستم باکارت شتاب پرداخت کنم بصورت ریالی
چون همه بهتر میتونن پول برداشت یا واریز کنن
وحید تقی ز#Bug1
Problem opening the terminal
Virtual server is unable to open terminal